
Watch videos that cover a range of topics on all aspects of leadership covered in the book to supplement your reading and bring the theory to life.

4 ethical principles

Medical Ethics Lecture Series; Four Principles “Prima Facie”


Euthanasia and end of life care

Whilst Ali Abdaal speaks quickly the talk aims to clarify fundamental areas of euthanasia. In this video, we discuss the legal side of euthanasia/physician assisted suicide. To summarise - euthanasia is illegal in the UK. ‘Passive euthanasia’ is a confusing term which we should avoid. ‘Withdrawing medical treatment’ is good medical practice when done appropriately and is NOT the same thing as ‘euthanasia’. Throughout the video we talk through the case of Dr Cox and Lillian Boyes which illustrates a lot of these points and is pretty seminal as far as legal cases go.


Consent capacity and Jehovah’s witnesses

Ali Abdaal covers the medical ethics/law side of consent. We talk about the 3 components of valid consent, what constitutes ‘capacity’, how to handle under 18s (Gillick competence) and what to do if a patient lacks capacity.


Gillick competency and Fraser Guidelines

Attempts to clarify Gillick competency by using the Fraser guidelines.