SAGE Journal Articles

Ahonen, P., Tienari, J., Meriläinen, S. and Pullen, A. (2014) Hidden contexts and invisible power relations: A Foucauldian reading of diversity research. Human Relations, 67(3): 263–286.

Combs, G.M., Milosevic, I. and Bilimoria, D. (2019) Introduction to the special topic forum: Critical discourse: Envisioning the place and future of diversity and inclusion in organizations. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 26(3): 277–286.

Janssens, M. and Zanoni P. (2005) Many diversities for many services: Theorizing diversity (management) in service companies. Human Relations, 58(2): 311–340.

Robertson, Q. (2006) Disentangling the meanings of diversity and inclusion in organisations. Group & Organisation Management, 31(2): 212–236.

Sabharwal, M. (2014) Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance. Public Personnel Management, 43(2): 197–217.

Schwabenland, C. and Tomlinson, F. (2015) Shadows and light: Diversity management as phantasmagoria. Human relations, 68(12): 1913–1936.

Shore, L., Randel, A., Chung, B., M., Erhart, K. and Singh, G. (2010) Inclusion and diversity in work groups: A review and model for future research. Journal of Management, 32(1): 1–28.

Sparkman, T.E. (2019) Exploring the boundaries of diversity and inclusion in human resource development. Human Resource Development Review, 18(2) 173 –195.

Zanoni, P. and Janssens, M. (2004) Deconstructing difference: The rhetoric of human resource managers’ diversity discourses. Organization Studies, 25(1): 55–74.