Reardon et al: Early Years Teaching and Learning, 3e

Chapter 1: Getting Started - An Introduction to Leading Teaching and Learning in the Early Years

Hiebert, J. et al (2007) ‘Preparing Teachers to Learn from Teaching’, Journal of Teacher Education, 58 (1) 
This article invites the reader to critically analyse the way that teachers are trained

Chapter 2: A Principled Pedagogical Approach to Teaching and Learning in the Early Years

Langford, R. (2010) ‘Critiquing Child-Centred Pedagogy to Bring Children and Early Childhood Educators into the Centre of a Democratic Pedagogy’, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 11 (1)
This article invites the reader to critique child-centred pedagogy, reconstruct teachers and children simultaneously, and position them at the centre of pedagogy.

Chapter 3: Early Years Movers and Shakers

Cossentino, J. (2009) ‘Culture, Craft, & Coherence: The Unexpected Vitality of Montessori Teacher Training, Journal of Teacher Education, 60 (5)
This article invites the reader to critique the Montessori teacher role to align the curriculum with learning and not assessment.

Chapter 4: Reflective Practice and Practice-Based Inquiry

Gore, J. M. (1987) Reflecting on Reflective Teaching, Journal of Teacher Education, 38 (2)
This article critiques the role and purpose of teacher educators reflection on own practice.

Chapter 5: High-Quality Early Years Teaching and Learning

Hollins, E. R. (2011) ‘Teacher Preparation for Quality Teaching’, Journal of Teacher Education, 62(4)
This article invites the reader to critique ‘learning how to teach’.

Chapter 6: Planning for Effective Teaching and Learning in the Early Years

Chapter 7: Communication, Language and Literacy in the Early Years

Klatte, I.S. and Roulstone, S. (2016) ‘The practical side of working with parent–child interaction therapy with preschool children with language impairments’, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 32 (3).
This article considers a common early intervention approach for preschool chil­dren with language problems called parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT) and the positive effects for children with expressive language problems.

Chapter 8: Promoting Babies’ and Young Children’s Physical and Emotional Well-being

Ben-Arieh, A. & Frones, I. (2011) ‘Taxonomy for child well-being indicators: A framework for the analysis of the well-being of children’, Childhood, 18 (4)
This article invites the reader to critically examine the multi-complex nature of children’s well-being.

Chapter 9: Developing a Creative Approach to Teaching and Learning in the Early Years

Sali, G & Köksal Akyol, A. (2015) Creativity of Preschool and Elementary School Teachers and their Students, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 121 (3)
This article critiques the notion that Teachers need to learn how to be creative in order to promote creative learning environments that enable children’s to develop creative dispositions to learning.

Chapter 10: Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of All Babies and Young Children

Hempton, N. &  Williams, R. (2011) Safeguarding Children, InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice, 4 (3)
This article written from a medical perspective considers how best professionals can learn from the past; recognise that the welfare of the child is paramount; safeguarding children is the responsibility of all with Multi-agency working seen as the key to safeguarding children.

Chapter 11: Responding to the Strengths and Needs of All Babies and Young Children

Dinnebeil, L.A. Young Exceptional Children (YEC) Young Exceptional Children, vol. 17, 1: pp. 55., First Published February 10, 2014.
The journal, Young Exceptional Children, offers useful, friendly articles that help readers implement research-based strate­gies and interventions across many settings.

Chapter 12: Undertaking Wider Professional Responsibilities