Research Methodology
Student Resources
Step of the Research Process Resources
Start building a portfolio of ideas by downloading the digital versions of the exercises in your textbook. These exercises will help you step-by-step in your research project. You can also use them to guide your discussions with your supervisor.
Use the left hand menu to go to the relevant exercise or download them all here.
Confused Pathway Resources
Up For A Challenge Pathway Resources
Do you want to pique your curiosity about research methods? Do you want to dive deeper into important concepts? Do you want to go beyond what is covered in your book? Do you want to impress your lecturer?
Glossary flashcards
Assessment Toolkit
Do you have an assignment as part of your research methods course? Whether you need to write a research question or a full dissertation, this toolkit contains everything you need to get started on your assessment, keep momentum, and get the mark you want.
Each assessment type features six sections of support: