An Introduction to Middle East Politics
Here is a timeline of key dates and events related to this chapter.
29 November 1947: UNGA Resolution 181
11 December 1948: UNGA Resolution 194
22 November 1967: UNSC Resolution 242
15 December 1969: Golda Meir elected Prime Minister of Israel (Labour-led coalition)
22 October 1973: UNSC Resolution 338
3 June 1974: Yitzhak Rabin elected Prime Minister of Israel (Labour-led coalition)
20 June 1977: Menachim Begin elected Prime Minister of Israel (Likud-led coalition)
10 October 1983: Yitzhak Shamir appointed Prime Minister of Israel (Likud-led coalition)
13 September 1984: Shimon Peres elected Prime Minister of Israel (Labour-led coalition)
20 October 1986: Yitzhak Shamir elected Prime Minister of Israel (Likud-led coalition)
March 1987: Founding of Hamas
December 1987–December 1993: First intifada
15 November 1988: Palestinian Declaration of Independence
30 October 1991: Madrid Peace Conference
13 July 1992: Yitzhak Rabin elected Prime Minister of Israel (Labour-led coalition)
20 August 1993: Signing of the Declaration of Principles from the Oslo Negotiations
25 February 1994: Settler Baruch Goldstein kills 29 Palestinians in Hebron
4 May 1994: Palestinian Authority formed
4 November 1995: Assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by Israeli citizen Yigal Amir
22 November 1995: Shimon Peres appointed Prime Minister of Israel (Labour-led coalition)
18 June 1996: Benjamin Netanyahu elected Prime Minister of Israel (Likud-led coalition)
17 January 1997: Signing of the Hebron Protocol
23 October 1998: Signing of the Wye River Memorandum
6 July 1999: Ehud Barak elected Prime Minister of Israel (Labour-led coalition)
11–25 July 2000: Camp David Negotiations
28 September 2000: Ariel Sharon’s visit to Haram ash-Sharif
September 2000–May 2005: Second (al-Aqsa) intifada
21–27 January 2001: Taba Peace Summit
7 March 2001: Ariel Sharon elected Prime Minister of Israel (Likud-led coalition)
27 March 2002: Arab League Peace Proposal
16 June 2002: Construction commences on Israeli security barrier
24 June 2002: Road Map Peace Plan announced
11 November 2004: Yasser Arafat dies
9 January 2005: Mahmoud Abbas elected head of the PA
15 August 2005: Gaza withdrawal
23 November 2005: Ariel Sharon forms the Kadima Party
4 January 2006: Ehud Olmert appointed Prime Minister of Israel (Kadima-led coalition) after Ariel Sharon suffers a stroke
25 January 2006: Hamas wins Palestinian legislative elections
12 July–14 August 2006: Israel–Hezbollah war
15 December 2006–14 June 2007: Fatah–Hamas conflict
14 June 2007: Dissolution of the Palestinian Unity Government
27 December 2008–18 January 2009: Israeli invasion of Gaza (‘Operation Cast Lead’)
31 March 2009: Benjamin Netanyahu elected Prime Minister of Israel (Likud-led coalition)
27 April 2011: Fatah–Hamas rapprochement (Cairo Agreement)
24 September 2011: PA submits request for full membership of the United Nations