An Introduction to Middle East Politics
Here is a timeline of key dates and events related to this chapter.
3 April 1991: UN Security Council Resolution 687
5 December 1992–4 May 1993: ‘Operation Restore Hope’
1994: Beginning of Taleban military operations
27 September 1996: The Taleban take Kabul
16–19 December 1998: UNSCOM inspectors withdraw from Iraq
16–19 December 1998: ‘Operation Desert Fox’
7 October 2001: ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ launched
5 December 2001: Bonn Agreement signed
19 January 2002: President Bush’s ‘Axis of Evil’ State of the Union Address
13 June 2002: Hamid Karzai appointed President of the Afghan Transitional Administration
16 October 2002: Passing of ‘Authorisation for Use of Military Force against Iraq Resolution’ through the US Congress
8 November 2002: UN Security Council Resolution 1441
19 March 2003: ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ launched
9 April 2003: Baghdad falls to Coalition forces
21 April 2003: Establishment of the Coalition Provisional Authority
1 May 2003: Formal removal of Ba`ath Party from power
22 May 2003: UN Security Council Resolution 1483
16 May 2003: CPA issues General Order Number 1 (‘De-Ba`athification’)
4 April–1 May 2004: First Battle of Fallujah
8 May 2004: Transitional Administrative Law
9 October 2004: Karzai elected Afghan President
7 November–23 December 2004: Second Battle of Fallujah
30 January 2005: First post-invasion elections in Iraq
15 October 2005: Iraq’s post-Ba`ath constitution adopted
5 December 2005: Iraqi parliamentary elections
2006: Emergence of Islamic Courts Union in Somalia
20 July 2006: Ethiopian invasion of Somalia
25 December 2006: ICU driven from Mogadishu
25–31 March 2008: Battle of Basra
20 August 2009: Karzai re-elected President of Afghanistan
2010: Emergence of al-shabaab
31 August 2010: Last US troops leave Iraq
30 September 2011: Leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Anwar al-Awlaki killed by drone strike
26 February 2012: Ali Abdullah Saleh replaced by Abd al-Rab Mansur al-Hadi as President of Yemen