
Selected SAGE journal articles allow you to read more widely and learn methods of qualitative data analysis.

This listing of SAGE journal article titles relates to qualitative research and inquiry and employs coding and/or themeing for data analysis. They are organized by the chapters and methods profiles of The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers (4e), though some overlap with other methods is possible.

Criteria for journal article selection included: 1) a recent study that employed coding/themeing methods for its data analysis; and (when possible) 2) a report with visual displays (matrices, networks, graphics, etc.) of the study’s methods and/or results.

Some of these articles may be classified under headings and subheadings that the author(s) may not have used. For example, the author(s) may have employed a number of different coding methods, yet did not directly label their approach “Eclectic Coding.” Or, the author(s) may have used the term “theme,” yet it was determined that the article would best fit under “categories.”

In addition to these specific articles, SAGE’s journal catalogue includes a number of titles devoted exclusively to the topic (e.g. Qualitative InquiryQualitative Research, International Journal of Qualitative Methods), journal titles with a disciplinary focus (e.g. Qualitative Health ResearchQualitative Social WorkField Methods), and journals that regularly feature qualitative research articles (e.g. American Educational Research JournalUrban EducationNew Media & Society).