Chapter 8: Literary and Language Coding Methods

Dramaturgical coding

Durnescu, I. (online first, 2019). Work as a drama: The experience of former prisoners in the labour market. European Journal of Criminology. 

Cannon, A. (2012). Making the data perform: An ethnodramatic analysis. Qualitative Inquiry 18(7), 583–594. 

Motif coding

Palpacuer-Lee, C., Curtis, J. H., & Curran, M. E. (2018). Stories of engagement: Pre-service language teachers negotiate intercultural citizenship in a community-based English language program. Language Teaching Research, 22(5), 590–607. 

Ruth, D. (2017). What is your MBA for? What’s the story? Management Learning, 48(1), 7–22. 

Narrative coding

Coppola, R., Woodard, R., & Vaughan, A. (2019). And the students shall lead us: Putting culturally sustaining pedagogy in conversation with universal design for learning in a middle-school spoken word poetry unit. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 68(1), 226–249. 

Frost, N. (2009). ‘Do you know what I mean?’: The use of a pluralistic narrative analysis approach in the interpretation of an interview. Qualitative Research, 9(1), 9–29.

Metaphor coding

Baş, G. (online first, 2020). Teacher beliefs about educational reforms: A metaphor analysis. International Journal of Educational Reform. 

Jones, S. E. (2020). Negotiating transgender identity at work: A movement to theorize a transgender standpoint epistemology. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(2), 251–278. 

Verbal exchange coding

Saldaña, J. (2016). Goodall’s verbal exchange coding: An overview and example. Qualitative Inquiry, 22(1), 36–39. 

Further reading

Tognazzo, A., & Neubaum, D. O. (2020). Family business leaders’ metaphors and firm performance: Exploring the “roots” and “shoots” of symbolic meanings. Family Business Review, 33(2), 130–151. 

Tracy, S. J., Lutgen-Sandvik, P., & Alberts, J. K. (2006). Nightmares, demons, and slaves: exploring the painful metaphors of workplace bullying. Management Communication Quarterly, 20 (2), 148–185.