SAGE Journal Articles

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Campbell, R., Patterson, D., & Bybee, D. (2011). Using mixed methods to evaluate a community intervention for sexual assault survivors: A methodological tale. Violence Against Women 17(3), 376–388. doi: 10.1177/1077801211398622

Follow-up Activities for “Using Mixed Methods”:

  1. Evaluate the mixed-methods design decisions and dilemmas as described by the co-authors.
  2. Discuss how the learnings of this confessional, methodological tale might inform future comparable studies.

Godwin, E. E., Foster, V. A., & Keefe, E. P. (2013). Hurricane Katrina families: Social class and the family in trauma recovery. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families 21(1), 15–27. doi: 10.1177/1066480712458224

Follow-up Activities for “Hurricane Katrina Families”:

  1. Evaluate how the use of In Vivo Coding (labeled “Within-Case Themes” in this article) may have captured participant perspectives more deeply than researcher-generated codes.
  2. Discuss why the use of In Vivo Codes and Themes may have been the most appropriate methods choices for this particular study’s data analysis.

Spaulding, S. (2014). The poetics of goodbye: Change and nostalgia in goodbye narratives penned by ex-Baltimore Sun employees. Journalism, 1–19. doi: 10.1177/1464884914552267

Follow-up Activities for “The Poetics of Goodbye”:

  1. Discuss how literary narrative analysis and qualitative data analysis methods were integrated for this particular study.
  2. Discuss how the phenomenon of “nostalgia” might be investigated through other qualitative methodologies and methods.