SAGE Journal Articles

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Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2012). Researchers of the world, create! Qualitative Inquiry 18(9), 808–818. 10.1177/1077800412453014

Follow-up Activities for “Researchers of the World”:

  1. The author proposes that “multiplicity and complexity” are needed in qualitative inquiry. Discuss how this can be realized in your research studies.
  2. Discuss when elegance and complexity are each appropriate for qualitative inquiry.

Staller, K. M. (2013). Epistemological boot camp: The politics of science and what every qualitative researcher needs to know to survive in the academy. Qualitative Social Work 12(4), 395–413. doi: 10.1177/1473325012450483

Follow-up Activities for “Epistemological Boot Camp”:

  1. After reading this article, what personal concerns might you have as an emerging scholar entering the field of qualitative research?
  2. Discuss what obstacles or resistance you may encounter from scholars not versed in qualitative inquiry, and the ways you might explain the approach to educate others about qualitative research.



Angrosino, M. V. (1994). On the bus with Vonnie Lee: Explorations in life history and metaphor. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 23(1), 14–28. doi: 10.1177/089124194023001002

Discussion Topics and Activities for “On the Bus with Vonnie Lee“:

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the data forms (e.g., participant observation vignettes, interview transcript excerpts, and artifacts) employed by Angrosino to create the portrait of Vonnie Lee Hargrett.
  2. Discuss how Angrosino represents himself as a co-participant in this case study report.
  3. Discuss how a qualitative researcher can make a persuasive argument for the individual case’s story as a representative study of a larger population.

Tracy, S. J., Lutgen-Sandvik, P., & Alberts, J. K. (2006). Nightmares, demons, and slaves: Exploring the painful metaphors of workplace bullying. Management Communication Quarterly 20(2), 148–185. doi: 10.1177/0893318906291980

Discussion Topics and Activities for “Nightmares, Demons, and Slaves”:

  1. Reflect on how the article may have stimulated personal, comparable memories of bullying, and how those memories were triggered (e.g., a participant’s vignette, a co-authors’ assertion, and a particular metaphor).
  2. Discuss how metaphor analysis was utilized in the research and its possible application and transfer to other qualitative studies.
  3. Discuss how a qualitative study might be designed to explore bullying among children or adolescents, including the phenomenon of cyberbullying.


Allen, Q. (2012). “They think minority means lesser than”: Black middle-class sons and fathers resisting microaggressions in the school. Urban Education 48(2), 171–197. doi: 10.1177/0042085912450575

Discussion Topics and Activities for “They Think Minority Means Lesser Than”:

  1. Evaluate how the “Theoretical Framework” and “Method” sections of this report corroborate to address the researcher’s central purpose of the study.
  2. Locate passages in the article that exhibit low- and high-level assertions supported with an evidentiary warrant (see Chapter 10).
  3. Reflect on this study’s possible transfer of findings to other school populations (e.g., Latino youth and LGBTQ youth), or what elements of Allen’s research design may require adaptation to study a different demographic in the high school setting.