SAGE Journal Articles

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Bailey, C., & Madden A. (2015). Time reclaimed: Temporality and the experience of meaningful work. Work, Employment and Society [in press]. doi: 10.1177/0950017015604100

Follow-up Activities for “Time Reclaimed”:

  1. Analyze how the “Findings” and “Discussion” sections inform and support the co-authors’ “Conclusions” section.
  2. Extract the high-level assertions and theoretical statements in this article’s “Discussion” and “Conclusions” sections.

Saldaña, J. (2016). Goodall’s verbal exchange coding: An overview and example. Qualitative Inquiry 22(1), 36–39. doi: 10.1177/1077800415603395

Follow-up Activities for “Goodall’s Verbal Exchange Coding”:

  1. Discuss how reflection on a conversational interaction can lead to interpretations of its meanings.
  2. Assess the credibility and trustworthiness of the researcher’s interpretations of the dialogic vignette documented in this article.

Tracy, S. J. (2010). Qualitative quality: Eight “big tent” criteria for excellent qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry 16(10), 837–851. DOI: 10.1177/1077800410383121

Follow-up Activities for “Qualitative Quality”:

  1. Evaluate another qualitative research journal article using Tracy’s eight criteria.
  2. Discuss whether Tracy’s criteria are better suited for selected qualitative methodologies more than others.