SAGE Journal Articles

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Edirisooriya, G. (1996). Research presentation in a democratic society: A voice from the audience. Educational Researcher 25(6), 25–30. doi: 10.3102/0013189X025006025

Follow-up Activities for “Research Presentation”:

  1. Discuss what you can do to guarantee that your conference presentation stays within a designated time limit.
  2. Due to age of the article, selected technologies reviewed by the author are now out of date. Discuss how the current technologies available today can meet the author’s recommendations for “visual aids.”

Park, H.-Y. (2009). Writing in Korean, living in the U.S.: A screenplay about a bilingual boy and his mom. Qualitative Inquiry 15(6), 1103–1124. doi: 10.1177/1077800409334184

Follow-up Activities for “Writing in Korean”:

  1. Discuss how video and logistics of film production and post-production (actors, location, editing, subtitles, etc.) could be utilized to dramatize scenes from the author’s screenplay.
  2. Evaluate the credibility and trustworthiness of a screenplay as qualitative research representation and presentation.

Wineburg, S. (2004). Must it be this way? Ten rules for keeping your audience awake during conferences. Educational Researcher 33(4), 13–14. doi: 10.3102/0013189X033004013

Follow-up Activities for “Must It Be This Way?”:

  1. Discuss both the best and worst class or conference presentations you have attended, and the factors that made them successful or unsuccessful.
  2. In addition to Wineburg’s 10 rules, what other rules would you add for conference presenters and their presentations?