Media Literacy
Media Literacy
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This site is intended to enhance your use of Media Literacy, Ninth Edition, by W. James Potter. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the material.
Media Literacy teaches students how to navigate through the overwhelming flood of information found in today’s media-saturated world. Drawing from thousands of media research studies, author W. James Potter explores the key components to understanding the fascinating world of mass media. Potter presents numerous examples and facts to help students understand how the media operate, how they attract attention, and how they influence the public. The Ninth Edition has been thoroughly updated to evolve with the ever-changing media landscape and features a new chapter on fake news, debating what we as news consumers can do to recognize fake news in order to avoid its influence. Each chapter concludes with a set of exercises to help readers apply the chapter material to everyday life and engage in a step-by-step process to increase their own media literacy.
We gratefully acknowledge W. James Potter for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Erik Johnson of University of Wisconsin-River Falls and Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd. for creating the ancillaries on this site.
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