Law and Society
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Essien, V. (2003). Visible and invisible barriers to the incorporation of faculty of color in predominantly white law schools. Journal of Black Studies, 34, 63–71.
Abstract: Despite efforts to diversify faculty in predominantly White institutions, most law schools remain predominantly male and Caucasian. Based heavily on aspects of Law Professor Derrick Bell's work and research, the author, a lawyer by training, explores the extent to which limited institutional support in law school environments cripples the chances of faculty of color in their efforts to succeed. The author also points out the mechanisms that scholars of color in law schools have used in an effort to combat racial and gender discrimination.
Journal Article 2: Mayo, M. (2013). Providing access to justice in disadvantaged communities: Commitments to welfare revisited in neo-liberal times. Critical Social Policy, 33, 679–699.
Abstract: Access to justice was central to the post-war Welfare State but this has been under attack, as part of wider neo-liberal challenges. The impacts have been experienced particularly sharply in disadvantaged areas where Law Centres have been providing services to those unable to access welfare rights by other means. The research that underpins this article set out to explore the ways in which these policies have been experienced by those who provide these services, examining their dilemmas as professionals and volunteers in the front-line of welfare provision. The article concludes that whilst there was some evidence that professional ethics and values were being maintained, this was too often at the expense of the staff concerned. Marketization strategies had been undermining public service morale, despite evidence of some continuing resilience and commitment to the provision of access to justice and welfare rights for the most disadvantaged, posing questions about the limits of markets more widely.