Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies
Journal Articles
This article presents a compilation of four studies that between them use an array of visual ethnographic methods to elicit and/or record the parental experiences of 34 women. The researchers illustrate how the use of visual methods encouraged greater depth and breadth of discussion and the possibility of chance revelations in otherwise time-limited, interview-based ethnographic studies – helping to negotiate closed doors and provide understanding of hidden worlds.
See also Chapter 5: Guyotte (2014), on analysis of visual-verbal narrative.
This article provides a view of a different use and style of video analysis to that covered in this chapter of Qualitative Data Analysis. In it, the use of video supplements voice recording to show parallel gestures and actions by two people working, presumably independently, but closely together. Interpretation is based on considering these parallel sources together, with the video providing insights, not available from the voice recording, concerning how two people work cooperatively in an emergency call centre.