
Berenskoetter, F. (Academic). (2016). Concepts & concept analysis [Streaming video]. Retrieved from SAGE Video.

Dr. Felix Berenskoetter discusses the importance of studying concepts Although he speaks in the context of international relations, he makes important points of more general relevance. He elaborates on how concepts help us make sense of the world, but they can be understood differently. Conceptual meaning is influenced by history and context, and by the politics of the situation in which they are being discussed. In the light of his discussion, one can see the importance of providing a clear statement of what concepts mean in a particular study.

See also Chapters 6–7: Barry Turner (1981) leads you through the development of his interpretive ideas as he takes you through the very practical steps he uses to develop theory from data. You might want to use codes, links, and memos in QDAS to replace some of his card-based strategies, but the quality of his cognitive approach to the task is timeless.