Chapter 11: Performance management and leadership

Journal Article 11.1: Budhwar, P.S. (2000) ‘A reappraisal of HRM models in Britain’, Journal of General Management, 26(2): 72–91

Description: This paper is divided into three parts. Initially, it summarises the main developments in the field of HRM. Then, it highlights the key emphasis of five models of HRM (namely, the ‘Matching model’; the ‘Harvard model’; the ‘Contextual model’; the ‘5-P model’; and the ‘European model’ of HRM). Lastly, it will address the operationalisation of the key issues and emphases of the aforementioned models by examining their applicability in six industries of the British manufacturing sector. The evaluation highlights the context specific nature of British HRM.


Journal Article 11.2: Vermeeren, B., Kuipers, B. and Steijn, B. (2014) ‘Does leadership style make a difference? Linking HRM, job satisfaction, and organizational performance’, Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34(2): 174–195.

Description: With the rise of New Public Management, public organizations are confronted with a growing need to demonstrate efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This study examines the relationship between public organizational performance and human resource management (HRM). Specifically, job satisfaction as a possible mediating variable between organizational performance and HRM, and on the influence of a supervisor’s leadership style on the implementation of Human Resource (HR) practices.