Chapter 12: Leadership Development

Journal Article 12.1: Swailes, S. (2016) ‘The cultural evolution of talent management: a memetic analysis’, Human Resource Development Review, 15(3): 340–358.

Description: Using the concept of memes as cultural transmitters and replicators, this article explores the origins of a talent meme and the subsequent evolution of talent management (TM)


Journal Article 12.2: Kim, S. and McLean, G. N. (2012) ‘Global talent management: necessity, challenges, and the roles of HRD’, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 14(4): 566–585.

Description: This article proposed an integrative conceptual framework for global talent management that involves the necessity, challenges and roles of HRD. Considering cross-cultural viewpoints and multinational enterprise issues in HRD, the study analyzed why talent management is necessary and the challenges of developing talent. Finally, proposals were made for developing global talent and roles for HRD researchers and practitioners.