Chapter 6: Trait, behaviour and contingency theories of leadership

Journal Article 6.1: Russell, R.G. and Mizrahi, R. (1995) ‘Development of a situational model for transformational leadership,’ Journal of Leadership Studies, 2(3): 154–163.

Description: This article uses a situational model to introduce transactional and transformational leadership theories.


Journal Article 6.2: Tyssen, A.K., Wald, A. and Spieth, P. (2013) ‘Leadership in temporary organizations: a review of leadership theories and a research agenda’, Project Management Journal, 44(6): 52–67.

Description: This article looks at leadership in the context of projects and other temporary forms of organizing as they are different from standard organizational processes.


Journal Article 6.3: Greenwood, R.G. (1996) ‘Leadership theory: a historical look at its evolution’, Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(1): 3–16.

Description: This article provides an overview on the historical development of leadership theory.