
Rebranding a hotel
Seeing opportunity in a new identity: Related to the Chapter 4 opening case study “Lessons From A Marketing Guru: Michel Goget, Globetrotting Hotel Troubleshooter,” this video follows Robert Warman through his rebranding approaches.

Marketing plan sample—5 Simple steps to market any business
Tyson Zahner shares his easy steps for developing a successful marketing plan to help the reader apply the theory of Chapter 2 “Steps In The Marketing Plan”

Andermatt Swiss Alps—Trailer 2016—English
This video trailer brings to life the Andermatt, Switzerland ski resort discussed in the Chapter 2 “Digital Spotlight: From Humble to Hedonistic. The Gentrification of Andermatt, Switzerland.”

Integrated marketing communication plan video
How to develop an integrated marketing communication plan—this video helps the reader implement the skills discussed in Chapter 2, section 8: “Marketing Control And Communicating The Plan.”

Experience the breathtaking Aboakyere Festival in Ghana
This video relates to the “Marketing In Action: The Deer Hunt Festival. Winneba, Ghana” with a deeper look into the Aboakyere (hunting) festival.