
Welcome to Russia!
This tourism video relates to the Chapter 7 opening case study “Lessons From A Marketing Guru: From Russia With Love, Elena Ulko.”

What are distribution channels?
This video helps you understand what distribution channels are and how they work as an introduction to the “The Nature and Types of Distribution Channels” section of Chapter 7.

The Sharing Economy: Kurt Abrahamson at TEDxTimesSquare
This TEDx seminar discusses the sharing economy, as discussed in the Chapter 7 “Digital Spotlight: Sharing Economy In Kerala, India.”

Distribution strategy—An introduction
In line with the section “Designing The Distribution System,” this video provides a helpful introduction to distribution systems.

National Brotherhood of Skiers (NBS) 2017 Black Summit
This video supports the “Marketing In Action: National Brotherhood Of Skiers Annual Summit,” with a video from the National Brotherhood of Skiers Summit held in Colorado.