
Lopesan Baobab Resort, Costa Meloneras, Gran Canaria, Kanarieöarna, Spanien
This video partners with the Chapter 8 opening case study “Lessons From A Marketing Guru: Eustasio Lopez, The Lopesan Group, Gran Canaria, Spain” to display a Lopesan Group Resort.

Marketing mix—Promotion
This video, along with the Chapter 8 section “Marketing Promotion Tools” helps set out the marketing mix and how to use it.

Visit USA
Visit USA provides advertising videos that work well with the “Digital Spotlight: Selling America To The World” with “Brand USA” to help display the tourism industry of the USA.

We’re all in marketing: What evolution tells us about advertising
This TEDx talk discusses how advertising works and helps inform the Chapter 8 section “Tourism And Hospitality Advertising.”

10 Questions to ask when creating a social media marketing plan
As social media marketing is an important tool highlighted throughout this textbook, this video helps the reader understand the step-by-step process to integrating social media into the marketing plan.

7 Problems the World Cup in Brazil 2014 left behind
The final case study in Chapter 8 discusses “Marketing In Action: Leveraging Events To Change A Destination Image: The Case Of Brazil And The 2014 World Cup” and this video helps support this dialog by considering how the tourism industry can negatively affect the host country.