Chapter 9: Paired- and Independent-Samples t-Test

Answers for all ‘Test Yourself’ questions from the book to check your performance and widen your overall understanding of the contents.

    1. Paired-samples, one-tailed
    2. Independent-samples, one-tailed
    3. Independent-samples, two-tailed
    4. Independent-samples, one-tailed
    1. n = 50, df = 49
    2. n = 100, df = 98
    3. n = 130, df = 128
    4. n = 30; df = 29
    1. Reject the null and accept the alternative.  The difference is statistically significant.
    2. The difference was 1.10 standard deviations; this is a large effect.
    3. If we assume this sample to represent the population, we would expect 90% of samples drawn from that population to fall between 4.51 and 8.12.
    1. t(28)­crit = +1.701
    2. t(30)­crit = ±2.042
    3. t(23)­crit = -1.714
    4. t(11)­crit = ±2.201