A Step-by-Step Introduction to Statistics for Business
Second Edition
Chapter 8: z-Tests and One-Sample t-Tests
Answers for all ‘Test Yourself’ questions from the book to check your performance and widen your overall understanding of the contents.
- z-scores represent the difference between a raw score and a sample mean in standard deviation units. z-statistics represent the difference between a sample mean and a population mean in standard error units. Both put the raw difference between two values into standardized units, but z-scores do so within a sample while z-statistics do so within the sample distribution.
- Yes, 26
- No
- No
- n = 18
- df = 17
- α = .01
- No, the researcher retained the null and did not find statistical significance.
- The sample mean and the population mean described by H0 were 0.90 standard errors apart.
- Standardized
- Unstandardized
- Standardized
- -1.645
- ±2.145
- ±1.96