CSR and Suppliers by Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen & Søren Jeppesen

Journal Articles

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CSBD (2010), Responsible Supplier Control: Responsible Supplier Control Guide, The Danish Council for Sustainible Business Development (CSBD), www.rbenet.dk

Jeppesen, S., and Skadegaard Thorsen, S., (2010), “Main Report: Changing Course – A study into Responsible Supply Chain Management”, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs: http://www.um.dk/NR/rdonlyres/F2D874C4-C89B-4E99-B624-59D282BCF048/0/RSCM_MainReport_110111.pdf

Raynard, P., and Forster, M., (2002) Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. UNIDO, http://www.unido.org/fileadmin/import/29959_CSR.pdf

Swedwatch (2010), Etik för dyrt for Svenska Kaffebolag, Swedwatch rapport #35
