CSR and Shareholders by Céline Louche


Useful Weblinks

Social investment trade associations

A good starting point for general information about responsible investment are the websites of the social investment trade associations in various countries around the world:

In North America: the United States Social Investment Forum at www.socialinvest.org and the Canadian Social Investment Organization at www.socialinvestment.ca

In Europe: Eurosif, an umbrella organisation for the various national European social investment for a at www.eurosif.org.

For Asia: the Association for Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Asia (ASrIA) at (www.asria.org)

In addition the Principles for Responsible Investment, in partnership with the UNEP Financial Initiative and the United Nations Global Compact, are a coalition of institutional investors and money managers committed to the concepts of responsible investment: www.unpri.org.

News about responsible investment

To keep up with news about responsible investment, a number of journals and online publications are helpful. Among these are: CSRwire at www.csrwire.com; Ethical Corporation at www.ethicalcorp.com; Ethical Performance at www.ethicalperformance.com; GreenMoney Journal at www.greenmoneyjournal.com; Novethic at www.novethic.com; Responsible Investor at www.responsible-investor.com; and SocialFunds.com atwww.socialfunds.com.

Academic publications

The Sustainable Investment Research Platform at www.sirp.se, sristudies.org (Studies of Socially Responsible Investing)at www.sristudies.org and the PRI Academic Network at http://academic.unpri.org/ provide coverage of much current and past academic work in this area.

Three academic think-tanks addressing issues related to responsible investment are the European Centre for Corporate Engagement (www.corporate-engagement.com); Elfenworks Center for the Study of Fiduciary Capitalism (www.stmarys-ca.edu/fidcap); and Initiative for Responsible Investment (http://hausercenter.org/iri).

Rating organizations

Organisations researching the corporate social accountability records of publicly traded corporations include EIRIS (Ethical Investment Research Service) (www.eiris.org) in the United Kingdom; Sustainalytics (www.sustainalytics.com) in Canada and the Netherlands; INRATE in Switzerland (www.inrate.com); MSCI ESG Research in the USA (www.msci.com/esg); The Good Bankers (www.goodbankers.co.jp) in Japan; and Vigeo (www.vigeo.com) in France.