Understanding Business Ethics
Web Resources
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Global corporate fraud declines; insider fraud not so much
The study, commissioned by risk consulting firm Kroll Advisory Solutions, found 67% of firms (that had at least one incident of fraud in the past year) laid the blame on insiders such as junior employees, senior managers and agents of the company which is up from 60% last year and 55% in 2010.
Fraudsters: Catch Them If You Can
From the CFO.com website, insider fraud is a major concern for CFOs, CEOs, and other senior executives at both small and large companies, according to a recent AICPA forensic and valuation services survey.
StopFraud.gov: Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force
President Obama established the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force in November 2009 to hold accountable those who helped bring about the last financial crisis as well as those who would attempt to take advantage of the efforts at economic recovery.
From IRS: How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?
IRS provides form to report tax fraud and instructions to complete the form.
Business Exchange from Bloomberg Provides information on Corporate Fraud
Wide variety of news stories and recommendation on dealing with corporate fraud is provided by Bloomberg Business Exchange.
Timberland: Evaluating our Code of Conduct Program
How a multi national organisation conducts a continuous ethical evaluation program.