Understanding Business Ethics
Third Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Transformational Leadership and Performance Across Criteria and Levels: A Meta-Analytic Review of 25 Years of Research
Gang Wang, In-Sue Oh, Stephen H. Courtright, and Amy E. Colbert
Group & Organization Management, April 2011; vol. 36, 2: pp. 223-270.
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analysis
P.D. Harms and Marcus Credé P.D. Harms and Marcus Credé
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 2010 17: 5
Resisting a corporate code of ethics and the reinforcement of management control
Sven Helin and Johan Sandström
Organization Studies May 2010 vol. 31 no. 5 583-604