SAGE Journal Articles

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The Nature of Managerial Work:  A Comparison of Public and Private Sector Managers: Alan W. Lau and Cynthia M. Pavett, Group & Organization Management 1980, 5(4): 453-466.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. Did this study verify Mintzberg’s description of managerial activities in both the public and private sectors?  Explain.
  2. What adjustments might a private sector manager have to make to be successful as a public sector manager according to this article?
  3. What were the three most important skills, knowledge and abilities for public sector managers according to this study?


Learning to Be an Effective Team Member: Sally Vernon, Advances in Developing Human Resources 1999, 1:  33-41.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. What would structured on-the-job training include to develop successful teams?
  2. What are interpersonal informal learning strategies and personal informal strategies?  Which strategy did participants use more frequently and why?
  3. What are barriers to effective team membership?

Questions that apply to article:

  1. What field of theory fostered Theory X?  What field of theory fostered Theory Y?
  2. How would a manager who believes in Theory X behave with employees?  How would a manager who believes in Theory Y behave with employees?
  3. Why do educational managers dislike Theory X and Theory Y?  Why have they proposed Theory N as an alternative?  How would a manager who believes in Theory N behave with employees?


Public sector leadership: new perspectives for research and practice: Davide Christian Orzai, Alex Turrini, and Giovanni Valotti, International Review of Administrative Sciences 2013, 79 (3): 486-504.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. How is public sector leadership different from the private sector?
  2. How does leadership “make a difference” in public organizations?
  3. Is there a best “leadership” style? Why or why not?