Video and Multimedia

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  • Natalie Warne:  Being Young and Making an Impact
    This 12:52 minute talk illustrates how a teenager was motivated by seeing a show by the Invisible Children Movement about child soldiers in Africa to get involved in a nationwide movement to pass a bill in Congress.  Her motivation was to make an impact.
  • Rebecca Saxe:  How We Read Each Other's Minds
    This 16:55 minute TED talk deals with how we sense motives and feelings in others.  It illustrates that this is done in a special region of the brain and takes a long time to develop.
  • Jeff Bezos: What Matters more than your talents
    This 18:44 minute TED talk is a Princeton University graduation address by Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos.  He tells a story about his childhood experiences with his grandparents to illustrate what really forms a person's character.  He maintains that character is formed not by what gifts you are born with, but choices we make.  He warns graduates not to be seduced by their gifts but to make good choices in their lives.
  • Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation
    In this 18:40 minute TED talk Dan Pink points out that research has shown that traditional rewards are not always as effective as we think.  Contingent motivators do not work in all situations.  However, organizations continue to use extrinsic motivators such as pay for performance programs.  He describes how organizations today need to switch to new motivations – self-directions, autonomy, master, and purpose.
  • Responding to Complaints.
    In this 4:15 satirical installment of the award-winning management training series from, company founder Dr. E.L. Kersten provides executives and managers with a shockingly effective strategy for responding to the complaints of their subordinates (Note: This is SATIRE).