SAGE Journal Articles

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The Creative Personality: Edwin C. Selby, Emily J. Shaw and John C. Houtz, Gifted Child Quarterly 2005, 49: 300-314.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. Describe some creative personality theories.
  2. How could you as a public administrator use information from this article to develop an employee’s creative problem solving skills?


Affect and Creativity at Work: Teresa M. Amabile, Sigal G. Barsade, Jennifer S. Mueller, and Barry M. Staw, Administrative Science Quarterly 2005, 50: 367-403.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. How is creativity defined in this article?
  2. Does Figure 1 describe your personal experiences of being creative at work?
  3. How does this study build upon previous research by Amabile discussed in the textbook’s chapter on creativity?


Public Management Innovation – Toward a Global Perspectice: Sandford Borins 2001, American Review of Public Administration 31 (1): 5-21.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. In the U.S. many of the initiators of public sector innovation are middle managers and front-line staff. Why is this so?
  2. What are the challenges or conditions that lead to innovation?


Enhancing Collaborative Innovation in the Public Sector: Eva Sorensen and Jacob Torfing 2011, Administration & Society 43 (8): 842-868.

Questions that apply to article:

  1. What is the innovation cycle? How can it be maintained?
  2. What are the theories of collaborative innovation?