Chitra Stern, owner, Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel
This short interview provides comments by the Chapter 11 “Lessons From A Marketing Guru: Chitra Stern, Martinhal, Portugal.”
Why market research is important?
This video acts as a brief introduction to the Chapter 11 theme by highlighting the importance of market research.
Visiting Gstaad Switzerland for winter adventure
This video provides one of many examples of the packages discussed in the Chapter 11 “Digital Spotlight: Marketing To Millennials.”
Niche marketing in tourism
The tourism marketing environment Already linked with Chapter 1
Types of market research
This video works with the Chapter 11 section “Research Methodology” to set out the different types of market research and help the reader consolidate their knowledge using useful examples.
Four Seasons Hotel Miami—Two bedroom residence—Open kitchen
This video provides a tour of an example of the Chapter 11 “Marketing In Action: Open Kitchen Concept Spreads To Hotels.”