Checklist for Getting Published

If you want to get published it is a good idea to:

☑ Find academic journals directly suited to your area of expertise – Most journals describe their focus and scope on their website. The closer your work is to their core agenda, the better the likelihood of acceptance.

☑ Review submission guidelines and stick to them – This means modifying your article so that it pedantically follows required formatting, word length, and referencing system.

☑ Write a professional cover letter – It should include all relevant information, including contact details.

☑ Share your contribution and where it sits within the wider scholarly landscape

☑ If you are asked to recommended reviewers, do not pass on this. Take up the opportunity. Your supervisor is likely to be a good source for contacts here.

☑ Breathe deeply when your reviews come in – If you feel gutted – step away and reread later. I guarantee that it is not as bad as you thought on first read.

☑ Revise and respond to reviewers’ points when you resubmit – If you are rejected, see it as an opportunity to get more feedback, rewrite, and try again.