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Article 1          Paylo, M. J. (2005).
Helping families search for solutions: Working with adolescents. The Family Journal,13, 456-458.  DOI: 10.1177/1066480705278687
In this column, the author focuses on the ways that family counselors can use solution-based therapies (solution-oriented and solution- focused) to work with families with adolescents in individual and/or family therapy. The theoretical foundation for solution-based therapies suggests techniques that help families focus on solutions and not remain stuck in problem thinking. These solution-based strategies facilitate the process of empowering families to find solution in the future while drawing on their own expertise and strengths to promote their desired change.
Questions to consider:
  1. If families have inherent strengths and competencies, how can a social worker engage the family to develop solutions to the presenting problem?
  2. How are narrative therapies critically linked to solution-focused therapy? Is there value in an adolescent developing her own narrative to address possible solutions to personal difficulties?
  3. Can an adolescent’s response to the miracle question shift the direction for the family’s treatment goals? Is each family member a contributor to identifying solutions? And, how can scaling a particular solution aid in refining the desired outcome?
Article 2          Arbona, C., Olvera, N., Rodriguez, N., Hagan, J., Linares, A., & Wiesner, M. (2010). Acculturative stress among documented and undocumented Latino immigrants in the US. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32(3), 362–384.
The purpose of the study was to examine differences between documented and undocumented Latino immigrants in the prevalence of three immigration-related challenges (separation from family, traditionality, and language difficulties), which were made more severe after the passage of restrictive immigration legislation in 1996. Specifically, the study sought to determine the combined and unique associations of legal status, the three immigration-related challenges listed above, and fear of deportation to acculturative stress related to family and other social contexts.
Questions to consider:
  1. Why is there limited research on acculturative stress for documented and undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.?
  2. What stressors or challenges do Latinos experience throughout their immigration experience? Do documented Latinos share the same stressors as undocumented Latinos?
  3. Summarize the psychosocial strains that produce acculturative stress among Latino immigrants. Is there a relationship between such stress and psychological distress? Are there culture specific assessments that apply to measuring stress levels for Latinos?
  4. Why should social workers engage in culturally competent research and practice for populations that are different from her or him?