Web Exercises

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
  • What types of settings do social workers practice in?
  • What do you think motivates social workers to "serve" others?
  • At the end credits, did you notice the credentials following each social worker's name? Are these credentials important to a client?
Homelessness is one of many complex issues in society that social workers address. 
  •  Is there a stigma associated with being homeless? Why are some homeless individuals referred toas "invisible"? Are there "working" homeless individuals?
  • Can you identify local resources for homeless individuals? Are there similar resources for families that are homeless?
  • What can you do to address homelessness issues in your community?
The future workforce of social work will include interprofessional education (IPE) and practice. Currently, there are some social work programs intentionally training social workers to incorporate IPE and field education. Explore the website content and read Two Years in the Nexus: Looking Back, Moving Forward by Barbara Brandt.
  • What were contributing factors to the creation of this Center? Is there a need for IPECP?
  • Why is IPE and training important for the future of the social work profession?
  • What resources are available to design and develop an IPECP?