Web Exercises
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
"Most therapists will ask you at the beginning ‘what brought you here today’ and try to work out what your main goal for therapy is. This helps us better create a plan. From there we begin the assessment process. This could be diagnosis, figuring out what you have worked on before, your school and family history, etc. While doing this, we will also be giving you homework and trying out new tools to see what works for you and what doesn't."
- Describe the purpose of a treatment plan and how the assessment process contributes to the plan.
- How does the social worker prepare for working with the client using the assessment findings?
- How does the client participate in the assessment and change processes?
- Why does a social worker need a "road map" for client assessment and change plans?
According to Dr. Bill Matulich, motivational interviewing is an effective way of talking with people about change. This video offers a brief overview of the evidence-based approach that facilitates decision-making, leading to behavioral change.
- How difficult is change for an individual? How does exploring motivating factors influence client change?
- What are the primary principles of Motivational Interviewing (MI)? What role does the social worker play in the client relationship?
- OARS are the four skills of MI. Provide an example of each question for a client wanting to change her alcohol consumption pattern.
Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model was used to illustrate what might be happening with individuals that are dealing with situations of domestic violence. This model is a transtheoretical model of behavior change; it describes how people modify a problem or acquire a positive behavior, and focuses on the decision-making of the individual. Included in this webpage is a description of Strengthening Families Protective Factors.
- Is it possible for an individual experiencing domestic violence to immediately leave this environment? Why or why not?
- With intervention, how does a social worker assess a client for readiness to change her/his life circumstances? Describe how Family Protective Factors can facilitate the change process.
- How important are social connections for domestic violence survivors to maintain change? Provide a concrete example of a social connection.