SAGE Journal Articles

Briggs, E. and Grisaffe, D. (2010), ‘Service performance – loyalty intentions link in a businrss-to-business context: the role of relational exchange outcomes and customer characteristics’, Journal of Service Research, 13 (1): 37-51.

In Chapter 2 we look at various aspects of organsiational buying behaviour and the consequences of these for the business to business marketer. This article examines the third party logistics sector to develop understanding of how buyer and industry-specific features contribute (alongside performance) to continued relationships. The article might equally be used to illustrate some of the areas covered in chapter 3.

Haruvy, E. Jap, S.D. (2013), ‘Differentiated bidders and bidding behaviour in procurement auctions’, Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (2): 241-258

As we note in chapters 2 and 12, online reverse auctions are increasingly used by organizational customers. This article presents data on the degree of aggressive bidding by competing companies in two industrial reverse auctions - interesting insight for any business marketer who wants to ensure the correct signalling of its value proposition to the business customer in a reverse auction.