On this website students will find:

Videos selected by author Sigmund Gronmo will give you deeper insight into key concepts.

Case Studies help bring theory to life and show you how social research works in the real world.

Annotated Articles take you on a guided reading tour, helping you build your confidence when reading and understanding academic sources.

Datasets to practice your skills at your own pace and help you master data analysis.

Critical Thinking Exercises help you think more deeply about concepts and ideas.

Move From Idea To Design in your research project, with selected examples from qualitative and quantitative studies.

Encyclopaedia Definitions broaden your knowledge of important concepts and ideas in research methods.

Citation Toolkit offers a host of weblinks that help you take the hassle out of citing and referencing sources.

A Software Refresher Guide with web links directing you to relevant resources for SPSS and NVivo.

Glossary Flashcards get you up to speed with key terms and master social science vocabulary.

Just click on the links to the left.


For advice to support your studies visit the SAGE Study Skills website for videos, quizzes and tips to help with your essay and dissertation writing, presentations, literature reviews and more.

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