Critical Thinking Exercises

Construct a brief interview guide for an unstructured interview on attitudes to the government’s environmental policy and a brief questionnaire for a survey on the same topic. Discuss the differences between the two instruments.

The discussion might focus on the types of questions that can be formulated in the two instruments, the types of data that can be collected by means of the instruments, and the types of research questions that can be examined by means of the two instruments.

See Chapters 10 and 13 in the book.


Discuss how the debate on Brexit in British newspapers could be examined by means of qualitative content analysis, and by means of quantitative analysis, and discuss similarities and differences between the two designs.

The discussion might focus on the types of data that can be collected, the types of information on the debate that can be obtained, and the kinds of research questions that can be examined by means of the two designs. 

See Chapters 11 and 14 in the book.


The concept of ‘political participation’ can be operationalized as ‘being a member in political parties’, or ‘voting in local or national elections’. Discuss the validity of the two operational definitions.

The discussion might focus on the types of participation that are examined by using each of the definitions, and types of participation that are not covered by each of the definitions. It should be clarified which type(s) of validity the discussion refers to.

See Chapter 15 in the book, in particular the section ‘Validity’.