Critical Thinking Exercises

Select five key terms for searching literature on the integration of immigrants in a local community. Discuss possible limitations of the selected terms and suggest additional key terms that could be used to overcome these limitations.

You might discuss different key terms with reference to various ways of specifying or clarifying the research area ‘integration of immigrants in a local community’.

See Chapter 5 in the book, in particular the section ‘Steps in reviewing literature’.


Select an article from a social science journal, and discuss how literature from previous research is referred to and used in the article.

You might discuss whether the literature is presented in a separate literature review, or integrated in the presentation of the research question, discussion of the findings or other parts of the article. Furthermore, you may discuss whether literature is sufficiently used for justifying the research question and for commenting the findings.

See Chapter 5 in the book, in particular the section ‘Purposes of literature reviews’.


Search for social science articles on gender differences in household work. Select two of the identified articles, one of them based on a qualitative study and the other based on a quantitative study. Compare how literature from previous research is referred to and used in the two articles.

The discussion might focus on similarities and differences in how literature is used for developing the research questions, and for commenting and discussing empirical findings. You might also discuss whether differences between the two articles are typical, between qualitative and quantitative research.

See Chapter 5 in the book, in particular the section ‘Purposes of literature reviews’.