Critical Thinking Exercises
Describe an experimental study of the relationship between knowledge about climate change and attitudes to environmental policy. Specify a hypothesis about this relationship and show how the experiment can be designed to test the hypothesis. Discuss possible limitations of the experiment.
You might focus on formulating a specific and testable hypothesis, describing the elements of the experimental design and discussing possible validity problems involved in the experiment.
See section ‘Experimental studies’ in Chapter 21 of the book.
Discuss how different types of diachronic data could be used to examine changes in British people’s attitudes to the European Union.
The discussion might start with the formulation of a more specific research question and might then focus on different strengths and limitations of the use of the different data types for this particular purpose.
See section ‘Longitudinal studies’ in Chapter 22 of the book.
Discuss how social media could be used to examine the development of an election campaign in a national election.
The discussion might start with the formulation of a more specific research question, and might then focus on how different types of social media could be used for this particular purpose. Differences between types of social media might also be discussed, in addition to the strengths and limitations of these data sources in examining this research question.
See Chapter 24 in the book.