Journal Articles
- Brown, D. (2008). Measuring the effectiveness of pay and rewards: The Achilles’ heel of contemporary reward professionals. Compensation & Benefits Review, 40(5), 23-41.
- Furnham, A., Stieger, S., Haubner, T., Voracek, M., & Swami, V. (2009). A fair day’s wage? Perceptions of public sector pay. Psychological Reports, 105(3), 957-969.
- Reilly, T. (2013). Comparing public-versus-private sector pay and benefits: Examining lifetime compensation. Public Personnel Management, 42(4), 521-544.
- Hareendrakumar V. R., Subramoniam, S., Nizar Hussain M. (2020) Redesigning Rewards for Improved Fairness Perception and Loyalty Vision, Sept.