Chapter 3: Visions: Creating new ventures

Bridge, B. and Hegarty, C. (2012) ‘An alternative to business plan based advice for start-ups?’ Industry and Higher Education, 26, 6: 443–52.

This article compares the pros and cons of different approaches and suggests that an exploration approach is often more natural, logical and effective than the business plan based alternative.

Foss, N. J. and Saebi, T. (2016) ‘Fifteen years of research on business model innovation: how far have we come, and where should we go?’. Journal of Management, 43, 1: 200–27.

This article takes stock of 15 years of business model research and identifies important avenues for future research and shows how complexity theory, innovation and other streams of literature can help overcome research gaps.

Jones, C., Penaluna, A., Matlay, H., and Penaluna, K. (2013) ‘The student business plan: useful or not?’ Industry and Higher Education, 27, 6: 491–8.

This article offers a critical discussion of the role of the business plan in current enterprise educational practice and provides insights into emerging alternative practices in the field of enterprise education.

McDonald, R. M. and Eisenhardt, K. M. (2020) ‘Parallel play: startups, nascent markets, and effective business-model design’. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65, 2: 483-523.

This article explores how entreprneuers design their business models, including how they borrow from peers, test their summptions and then take stock before further iterating and taking action.

Zott, C. and Amit, R. (2013) ‘The business model: a theoretically anchored robust construct for strategic analysis’. Strategic Organization, 11, 4: 403–11.

This article establishes that the theoretical and empirical advancements in business model research provide solid conceptual and empirical foundations on which scholars can build in order to explore a range of important, yet unanswered research questions.