On this website students will find:

Lecturers can log in to access:

Video links for every chapter to help you visualize essential concepts, theory and practice.

Multiple choice questions for you to test yourself on key concepts.

Quizzes and assessment questions to test and refresh your knowledge.

Flashcards for each chapter to check your understanding of new vocabulary.

Just click on the links to the left.

A teaching guide providing ideas and inspirations for seminars and tutorials, including case study teaching notes and more.

Testbank that offers multiple choice assessment questions to use with your students in your teachings.

An image bank complete with illustrations from the book.

These online resources have been formatted into a Resource Pack that you can upload to your learning management system or virtual learning environment.

Log in or create an instructor account by clicking on the tab at the top.    

To find out more about the book, please visit the SAGE website.


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