Multiple Choice Questions

Test your understanding with these multiple choice questions:

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of single-gene inheritance?

a. dominant

b. recessive

c. X-linked

d. autosomal

Ans: D

An autosomal gene is one which is not sex/gender-related.

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a single-gene inheritance disorder?

a. trisomy

b. Huntington’s disease

c. cystic fibrosis

d. haemophilia A

Ans: A

As the name suggests, three copies of a chromosome exist and therefore it is not a single-gene inheritance.

3. Which of the following is considered to be the foundation of diagnosis of a genetic disorder?

a. pre-natal screening

b. pre-symptomatic screening

c. family history

d. genetic counselling

Ans: C

Identifying transmission of a genetic disorder through generations is considered foundational; a family tree is used to establish this.

4. ‘A gene that has a mutated form of the gene involved in normal cell growth’ is known as a(n) ______.

a. tumour

b. oncogene

c. proto-oncogene

d. neoplasm

Ans: B

A proto-oncogene is a gene with the potential to be mutated. Tumour is an abnormal growth of tissue; neoplasm is a similar growth with clear cancer-related characteristics.

5. What is the key role of the mitochondria?

a. energy management through producing ATP

b. energy management through producing Pi

c. energy management through producing ADP

d. energy management through producing DNA

Ans: A

Mitochondria produce ATP which is later broken down to ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and Pi (phosphate).

6. In what way is post-natal screening for genetic disorders performed?

a. blood test from arm

b. DNA sample from hair

c. DNA sample from saliva

d. blood test from heel

Ans: D

A drop of blood is taken from a prick on the infant’s heel.

7. Occasionally it is necessary to perform genetic screening on a foetus. What term is used to describe the procedure where fluid is taken from the sac surrounding the foetus?

a. chorionic villus sampling

b. amniocentesis

c. ultrasound scan

d. heel prick test

Ans: B

Chorionic villus sampling is the sampling of the cells from the placenta and is generally performed after an ultrasound test has identified a possible genetic abnormality through observing differences and abnormality in foetal growth and structure.

8. Which of the following is an X-linked genetic mutation in which 30% of people affected have no family history of the disease?

a. cystic fibrosis

b. mitochondrial disorder

c. monosomy

d. haemophilia A

Ans: D

It occurs due to a new mutation.