Multiple Choice Questions

Test your understanding with these multiple choice questions:

1. Complete the formula:

Blood pressure = _____________________ × ____________________________

                            Cardiac output                  Peripheral vascular resistance

2. Cardiac output is the amount of blood that is pumped out of the heart in a minute. How can this be calculated, fill in the blanks:

Cardiac output = ________________________ × _______________________

                                            Heart rate                                Stroke volume

3. A systolic blood pressure of over 180 mmHg with evidence of organ damage is known as ______.

a. primary hypertension

b. secondary hypertension

c. tertiary hypertension

d. hypertensive crisis

Ans: D

4. Which of the following are the primary regulatory mechanisms for blood pressure?

a. antidiuretic hormone, adrenaline and aldosterone

b. adrenaline, aldosterone, angiotensin

c. renin, aldosterone, adrenaline

d. angiotensin, aldosterone, renin

Ans: D

5. In which conditions would you expect to see jugular venous distention, fatigue and orthopnoea as a result of a drop in cardiac output?

a. hypertension

b. congestive heart failure

c. atrial fibrillation

d. myocardial infarction

Ans: B

6. Which arrhythmia is associated with rapid uncoordinated electrical activity over the atria giving an irregular atrial rate but a normal QRS complex?

a. atrial fibrillation

b. atrial flutter

c. atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia

d. ventricular fibrillation

Ans: A

7. Which of the following arrhythmias is more commonly associated with the myocardium of the heart becoming hypoxic?

a. sinus bradycardia

b. ventricular fibrillation

c. atrial tachycardia

d. none of these

Ans: B

8. Why might a ventricular septal defect occur?

a. failure of pressures to seal the foramen ovale

b. inadequate growth of the septum secundum

c. the cause is unknown

d. reduced intrauterine blood flow during pregnancy

Ans: C

9. What is unique in transposition of the great arteries?

a. The inferior and superior vena cava swap location.

b. The aorta comes from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the left ventricle.

c. The aorta comes from the left ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle.

d. The heart appears on the right side of the chest.

Ans: B

10. In which of these congenital conditions is life generally incompatible unless surgical intervention can correct the problem?

a. hypoplastic left heart syndrome

b. double inlet ventricle

c. coarctation of the aorta

d. aortic stenosis

Ans: A