Essentials of Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice
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Multiple Choice Questions
Test your understanding with these multiple choice questions:
1. Which antibody is most commonly present in a hypersensitivity reaction?
a. IgE
b. IgD
c. IgA
d. IgG
Ans: A
IgE is the antibody most often associated with hypersensitivity reactions; they bind to mast cells which release histamine, which produce the symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction.
2. In which condition do B-cells and IgM antibodies react together to become autoantibodies and continue to indefinitely promote inflammation in joints?
a. systemic lupus erythematous
b. rheumatoid arthritis
c. asthma
d. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Ans: B
SLE is similar but affects tissues such as skin, blood vessels. Asthma is a hypersensitivity disorder. AIDS is an immunodeficiency disorder.
3. Which immune cell is destroyed as a result of the human immunodeficiency virus, which ultimately can lead to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?
a. CD4+ (helper T-cell)
b. CD8+ (cytotoxic killer T-cell)
c. memory B cell
d. memory T cell
Ans: A
CD4+ cells co-ordinate the immune process; directing other B and T cells. Without this cell, the body is unable to provide an immune response.
4. Which type of micro-organism is said to be gram negative or gram positive depending on the presence of a cell wall?
a. virus
b. protozoa
c. bacteria
d. fungi
Ans: C
Bacteria may or may not have a cell wall; and the presence or absence of a cell wall may prevent or allow uptake of a dye visible under the microscope. This can affect how bacterial colonies are treated.
5. Which type of micro-organism uses a host cell to provide energy and materials for its own reproduction?
a. virus
b. protozoa
c. bacteria
d. fungi
Ans: A
A virus is dependent upon using a host cell for existence. Replication of the virus to progress and spread the infection uses the reproductive capabilities of the host cell; essentially turning it into a virus factory.
6. Widespread vasodilation is caused partly by endothelial cell damage is found in which condition?
a. systemic lupus erythematosus
b. meningitis
c. sepsis
d. asthma
Ans: C
7. Which of the following is not a mechanism of bacteria resistance?
a. Bacteria produce enzymes that destroy penicillin antibiotics.
b. Channels in the bacterial cell wall prevent antibiotic entry.
c. Bacteria actively pump antibiotics out of the cell.
d. Bacteria activate a state of suspended animation so do not take in the antibiotic.
Ans: D
8. Which of the sepsis 6 is missing from this list?
Intravenous fluids
Measurement of blood cultures
Measurement of lactate level
High flow oxygen
Monitoring urine output
Ans: Intravenous antibiotics (broad-spectrum)