Multiple Choice Questions

Test your understanding with these multiple choice questions:

1. Which one of the following symptoms does not reflect depression?

a. shaking

b. difficulty sleeping

c. feelings of guilt

d. loss of pleasure

Ans: A

Shaking is normally associated with anxiety; although sometimes anxiety presents alongside depression.

2. Which part of the brain often has a reduction in volume in people with depression?

a. cingulate cortex

b. prefrontal cortex

c. amygdala

d. basal ganglia

Ans: B

All these areas of the brain regulate mood; particularly when the connection between them is disrupted. However, the volume of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus are often reduced in people with depression.

3. Fatigue is often a sign of depression; raised levels of what following mediator contribute to this?

a. prostaglandins

b. interleukin

c. histamine

d. cytokines

Ans: D

Raised levels of proinflammatory cytokines in blood serum are linked to fatigue and suppressed appetite.

4. Which one of the following neurotransmitters is not commonly related to depression?

a. serotonin

b. acetylcholine

c. noradrenaline

d. dopamine

Ans: B

Acetylcholine is more common in relation to the autonomic nervous system.

5. Which of the following neurotransmitters do ‘SSRI’ drugs affect?

a. noradrenaline

b. serotonin

c. dopamine

d. N-methyl-D-aspartate

Ans: B

An SSRI is a ‘serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor’.

6. Which of the following mental health illness has a likely genetic susceptibility and activated when combined with an environmental trigger?

a. bipolar disorder

b. unipolar depression


d. panic disorder

Ans: A

7. What is the most effective non-pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder?

a. rest

b. electroconvulsive therapy

c. exercise

d. diet changes

Ans: C

Exercise is associated with production of new mitochondria, reducing stress damage on nerves.

8. In schizophrenia, what part of the brain is found to be thinner due to loss of grey and white matter?

a. basal ganglia

b. cerebral cortex

c. prefrontal cortex

d. basal ganglia

Ans: B

9. Maternal infection potentially results in persistent foetal inflammation resulting in chronic inflammation and stress to the developing brain may result in which condition?

a. depression

b. bipolar disorder

c. schizophrenia

d. autistic spectrum disease

Ans: D

10. Mental health treatment is confined to assessment and treatment by mental health nurses and psychiatrists?

a. True

b. False

Ans: B

Mental health can have a profound effect on physical health; and all healthcare professionals should incorporate mental health assessment and treatment into patient centred care.