Further reading
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Blair, R. J. R. (2013). The neurobiology of psychopathic traits in youths. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14(11): 786–799. (A readable overview of the latest research on psychopathy, which attempts to unify the diverse research into a neurobiological model.)
Gask, L., Evans, M., & Kessler, D. (2013). Personality disorder. BMJ (Online): 347(7924). (Excellent overview of everything, although it attracted some online criticism for its neglect of the role of attachment and the dismissive coverage of therapeutic communities. For a balanced view, you should read the comments from other researchers at www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f5276?tab=responses)
Sempértegui, G. A., Karreman, A., Arntz, A., & Bekker, M. H. J. (2013). Schema therapy for borderline personality disorder: A comprehensive review of its empirical foundations, effectiveness and implementation possibilities. Clinical Psychology Review, 33(3): 426–447. (Comprehensive and engaging overview of borderline personality disorder, with an emphasis on schema therapy.)
Tyrer, P. (2013). The classification of personality disorders in ICD-11: Implications for forensic psychiatry. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 23(1): 1–5. (Brief, scathing and witty commentary on the categorisation of personality disorders in DSM and ICD.)