SAGE Journal Articles

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The Psychohistorical Approach in Family Counseling With Mestizo/Latino Immigrants: A Continuum and Synergy of Worldviews

Patricia Arredondo, Robert M. Davison Avilés, Carlos P. Zalaquett, Maria del Pilar Grazioso, Veronica Bordes, Liza Hita and Belinda J. Lopez

The article discussions contextual variables, demographics regarding Mestizos / Latinos, ethnic-heritage themes.  Recommendations for transcultural counseling are made and a case study is presented.  The authors are immigrant, first and second-generation status.

  1. What is the psychohistorical approach to counseling and how does it support transcultural counseling?
  2. What is the meaning of acculturation and how does it impact one’s identity and worldview?
  3. What are the experiences that have most significantly impacted your own worldview?  If you were to describe your own world view, what interactions, experiences, beliefs, and traditions would you describe?

A Practical Skills Model for Effectively Engaging Clients in Multicultural Settings

Anthony J. Alberta and Anita H. Wood

The article describes an approach that counselors can use to develop their ability to practice in a culturally competent manner.  The approach emphasizes basic counseling skills of empathy, communication, and relationship building.  The goal of the approach is to assist counselors in moving from cultural encapsulation to cultural engagement.

  1. What is the definition offered in the article for multicultural engagement?  How does this definition promote the practice of transcultural counseling?
  2. After reading the article, how would you approach building a shared worldview with a counseling client who is visibly different from you?  Describe a client that you have worked with who is different from you and how you did (or would) build a shared worldview?
  3. Describe and give an example of diunital reasoning.  How does this practice support the engagement of clients in multicultural settings?